How to Avoid an Overdone Look with Botox or Fillers

Submitted by Dr. Joyesh Raj on Thu 10/24/2019 - 09:00
Overdone Look with Injectables

The idea of Botox and fillers is very appealing. When done well, injectables can turn back the hands of time and accentuate certain facial features in an attractive way. On the other hand, poorly done injections can lead to an overdone or artificial expression.

To help you get the best results possible and avoid looking overdone from Botox and fillers, Dr. Joyesh Raj has a few suggestions.

Choose a Qualified Injector

A qualified injector has a finely tuned eye for artistry and a practiced hand. They understand balance, symmetry and the “golden proportions” of the face, and are knowledgeable about how small tweaks can improve facial proportions and symmetry.

A qualified injector understands that your face is completely unique and unlike anyone else’s. They study the unique contours and features of your face before recommending a tailored treatment approach.

A qualified injector also understands the nuances of every injectable, and is able to recommend the product or products best suited to your individual needs. They may even steer you away from a product that you express interest in, if they feel it is not a good fit for you. They know when less is more, and when to stop before going to the extreme.

Do Your Homework

In a time when any medical provider can advertise Botox or filler treatments to the public — even with minimal training and limited experience — it is crucial to research an injector’s qualifications. Ask a potential injector how many treatments they typically perform in a month. Look at before and after photos and ask yourself if you like the results.

As an educated consumer, it’s also important to understand exactly what is being injected into your face. Ask a potential injector what products they generally use, and do your own research about these products.

Communicate Your Expectations Clearly

Finally, it is crucial that you clearly communicate what you hope to achieve from injectables. Surprisingly, some patients like an overdone or overfilled look!

If your goal is to turn back the hands of time with Botox or fillers, you might want to bring in a photograph of yourself from five to 10 years ago, so your injector can see how you have aged. This can provide a good roadmap for the injector to follow.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in rejuvenating or enhancing your appearance with Botox or fillers, Dr. Raj and our team of injectors invite you to come in for a consultation. Contact us today to request an appointment.